This page lists common review comments plugin authors get when submitting their plugin. While the guidelines on this page are recommendations, depending on their severity, we may still require you to address any violations. > [!important] Policies for plugin developers > Make sure that you've read our [[Developer policies]] as well as the [[Submission requirements for plugins]]. ## General ### Avoid using global app instance Avoid using the global app object, `app` (or ``). Instead, use the reference provided by your plugin instance, ``. The global app object is intended for debugging purposes and might be removed in the future. ### Avoid unnecessary logging to console Please avoid unnecessary logging. In it's default configuration, the developer console should only show error messages, debug messages should not be shown. ### Consider organizing your code base using folders If your plugin uses more than one `.ts` file, consider organizing them into folders to make it easier to review and maintain. ### Rename placeholder class names The sample plugin contains placeholder names for common classes, such as `MyPlugin`, `MyPluginSettings`, and `SampleSettingTab`. Rename these to reflect the name of your plugin. ## Mobile ![[Mobile development#Node and Electron APIs]] ![[Mobile development#Lookbehind in regular expressions]] ## UI text This section lists guidelines for formatting text in the user interface, such as settings, commands, and buttons. The example below from **Settings → Appearance** demonstrates the guidelines for text in the user interface. ![[settings-headings.png]] 1. [[#Only use headings under settings if you have more than one section.|General settings are at the top and don't have a heading]]. 2. [[#Avoid "settings" in settings headings|Section headings don't have "settings" in the heading text]]. 3. [[#Use Sentence case in UI]]. For more information on writing and formatting text for Obsidian, refer to our [Style guide]( ### Only use headings under settings if you have more than one section. Avoid adding a top-level heading in the settings tab, such as "General", "Settings", or the name of your plugin. If you have more than one section under settings, and one contains general settings, keep them at the top without adding a heading. For example, look at the settings under **Settings → Appearance**: ### Avoid "settings" in settings headings In the settings tab, you can add headings to organize settings. Avoid including the word "settings" to these headings. Since everything in under the settings tab is settings, repeating it for every heading becomes redundant. - Prefer "Advanced" over "Advanced settings". - Prefer "Templates" over "Settings for templates". ### Use sentence case in UI Any text in UI elements should be using [Sentence case]( instead of [Title Case](, where only the first word in a sentence, and proper nouns, should be capitalized. - Prefer "Template folder location" over "Template Folder Location". - Prefer "Create new note" over "Create New Note". ### Use `setHeading` instead of a `<h1>`, `<h2>` Using the heading elements from HTML will result in inconsistent styling between different plugins. Instead you should prefer the following: ```ts new Setting(containerEl).setName('your heading title').setHeading(); ``` ## Security ### Avoid `innerHTML`, `outerHTML` and `insertAdjacentHTML` Building DOM elements from user-defined input, using `innerHTML`, `outerHTML` and `insertAdjacentHTML` can pose a security risk. The following example builds a DOM element using a string that contains user input, `${name}`. `name` can contain other DOM elements, such as `<script>alert()</script>`, and can allow a potential attacker to execute arbitrary code on the user's computer. ```ts function showName(name: string) { let containerElement = document.querySelector('.my-container'); // DON'T DO THIS containerElement.innerHTML = `<div class="my-class"><b>Your name is: </b>${name}</div>`; } ``` Instead, use the DOM API or the Obsidian helper functions, such as `createEl()`, `createDiv()` and `createSpan()` to build the DOM element programmatically. For more information, refer to [[HTML elements]]. To cleanup a HTML elements contents use `el.empty();` ## Resource management ### Clean up resources when plugin unloads Any resources created by the plugin, such as event listeners, must be destroyed or released when the plugin unloads. When possible, use methods like [[registerEvent|registerEvent()]] or [[addCommand|addCommand()]] to automatically clean up resources when the plugin unloads. ```ts export default class MyPlugin extends Plugin { onload() { this.registerEvent("create", this.onCreate)); } onCreate: (file: TAbstractFile) => { // ... } } ``` > [!note] > You don't need to clean up resources that are guaranteed to be removed when your plugin unloads. For example, if you register a `mouseenter` listener on a DOM element, the event listener will be garbage-collected when the element goes out of scope. ### Don't detach leaves in `onunload` When the user updates your plugin, any open leaves will be reinitialized at their original position, regardless of where the user had moved them. ## Commands ### Avoid setting a default hotkey for commands Setting a default hotkey may lead to conflicts between plugins and may override hotkeys that the user has already configured. It's also difficult to choose a default hotkey that is available on all operating systems. ### Use the appropriate callback type for commands When you add a command in your plugin, use the appropriate callback type. - Use `callback` if the command runs unconditionally. - Use `checkCallback` if the command only runs under certain conditions. If the command requires an open and active Markdown editor, use `editorCallback`, or the corresponding `editorCheckCallback`. ## Workspace ### Avoid accessing `workspace.activeLeaf` directly If you want to access the active view, use [[getActiveViewOfType|getActiveViewOfType()]] instead: ```ts const view =; // getActiveViewOfType will return null if the active view is null, or if it's not a MarkdownView. if (view) { // ... } ``` If you want to access the editor in the active note, use `activeEditor` instead: ```ts const editor =; if (editor) { // ... } ``` ### Avoid managing references to custom views Managing references to custom view can cause memory leaks or unintended consequences. **Don't** do this: ```ts this.registerViewType(MY_VIEW_TYPE, () => this.view = new MyCustomView()); ``` Do this instead: ```ts this.registerViewType(MY_VIEW_TYPE, () => new MyCustomView()); ``` To access the view from your plugin, use `Workspace.getActiveLeavesOfType()`: ```ts for (let leaf of app.workspace.getActiveLeavesOfType(MY_VIEW_TYPE)) { let view = leaf.view; if (view instanceof MyCustomView) { // ... } } ``` ## Vault ### Prefer the Editor API instead of `Vault.modify` to a the active file If you want to edit an active note, use the [[Editor]] interface instead of [[Vault/modify|Vault.modify()]]. Editor maintains information about the active note, such as cursor position, selection, and folded content. When you use [[Vault/modify|Vault.modify()]] to edit the note, all that information is lost, which leads to a poor experience for the user. Editor is also more efficient when making small changes to parts of the note. ### Prefer `Vault.process` instead of `Vault.modify` to modify a file in the background If you want to edit a note that is not currently opened, use the [[Reference/TypeScript API/Vault/process|Vault.process]] function instead of [[modify|Vault.modify]]. The `process` function modifies the file atomically, which means that your plugin won't run into conflicts with other plugins modifying the same file. ### Prefer `FileManager.processFrontMatter` to modify frontmatter of a note Instead of extracting the frontmatter of a note, parsing and modifying the YAML manually you should use the [[processFrontMatter|FileManager.processFrontMatter]] function. `processFrontMatter` runs atomically, so modifying the file will not conflict with other plugins editing the same file. It will also ensure a consistent layout of the YAML produced. ### Prefer the Vault API over the Adapter API Obsidian exposes two APIs for file operations: the Vault API (`app.vault`) and the Adapter API (`app.vault.adapter`). While the file operations in the Adapter API are often more familiar to many developers, the Vault API has two main advantages over the adapter. - **Performance:** The Vault API has a caching layer that can speed up file reads when the file is already known to Obsidian. - **Safety:** The Vault API performs file operations serially to avoid any race conditions, for example when reading a file that is being written to at the same time. ### Avoid iterating all files to find a file by its path This is inefficient, especially for large vaults. Use [[getFileByPath|Vault.getFileByPath]], [[getFolderByPath|Vault.getFolderByPath]] or [[getAbstractFileByPath|Vault.getAbstractFileByPath]] instead. **Don't** do this: ```ts => file.path === filePath); ``` Do this instead: ```ts const filePath = 'folder/'; // if you want to get a file const file =; ``` ```ts const folderPath = 'folder'; // or if you want to get a folder const folder =; ``` If you aren't sure if the path provided is for a folder or a file, use: ```ts const abstractFile =; if (file instanceof TFile) { // it's a file } if (file instanceof TFolder) { // it's a folder } ``` ### Use `normalizePath()` to clean up user-defined paths Use [[normalizePath|normalizePath()]] whenever you accept user-defined paths to files or folders in the vault, or when you construct your own paths in the plugin code. `normalizePath()` takes a path and scrubs it to be safe for the file system and for cross-platform use. This function: - Cleans up the use of forward and backward slashes, such as replacing 1 or more of `\` or `/` with a single `/`. - Removes leading and trailing forward and backward slashes. - Replaces any non-breaking spaces, `\u00A0`, with a regular space. - Runs the path through [String.prototype.normalize]( ```ts import { normalizePath } from "obsidian"; const pathToPlugin = normalizePath("//my-folder\file"); // pathToPlugin contains "my-folder/file" not "//my-folder\" ``` ## Editor ### Change or reconfigure editor extensions If you want to change or reconfigure an [[Editor extensions|editor extension]] after you've registered using [[registerEditorExtension|registerEditorExtension()]], use [[updateOptions|updateOptions()]] to update all editors. ```ts class MyPlugin extends Plugin { private editorExtension: Extension[] = []; onload() { //... this.registerEditorExtension(this.editorExtension); } updateEditorExtension() { // Empty the array while keeping the same reference // (Don't create a new array here) this.editorExtension.length = 0; // Create new editor extension let myNewExtension = this.createEditorExtension(); // Add it to the array this.editorExtension.push(myNewExtension); // Flush the changes to all editors; } } ``` ## Styling ### No hardcoded styling **Don't** do this: ```ts const el = containerEl.createDiv(); = 'white'; = 'red'; ``` To make it easy for users to modify the styling of your plugin you should use CSS classes, as hardcoding the styling in the plugin code makes it impossible to modify with themes and snippets. **Do** this instead: ```ts const el = containerEl.createDiv({cls: 'warning-container'}); ``` In the plugins CSS add the following: ```css .warning-container { color: var(--text-normal); background-color: var(--background-modifier-error); } ``` To make the styling of your plugin consistent with Obsidian and other plugins you should use the [[CSS variables]] provided by Obsidian. If there is no variable available that fits in your case, you can create your own. ## TypeScript ### Prefer `const` and `let` over `var` For more information, refer to [4 Reasons Why var is Considered Obsolete in Modern JavaScript]( ### Prefer async/await over Promise Recent versions of JavaScript and TypeScript support the `async` and `await` keywords to run code asynchronously, which allow for more readable code than using Promises. **Don't** do this: ```ts function test(): Promise<string | null> { return requestUrl('') .then(res => res.text .catch(e => { console.log(e); return null; }); } ``` Do this instead: ```ts async function AsyncTest(): Promise<string | null> { try { let res = await requestUrl(''); let text = await r.text; return text; } catch (e) { console.log(e); return null; } } ```