The Obsidian app uses [Cascading Style Sheets]( (CSS) to control the design of the user interface. CSS is the same markup language used for websites and web-based apps, which means you can find many resources online to help you learn how to use and edit CSS. Obsidian includes hundreds of [[CSS variables]] that enable consistently beautiful user interfaces. ## For plugins By using the built-in CSS variables for you own custom elements, you can create native-looking user interfaces in your plugin that look beautiful and are compatible with community themes. **styles.css**: ```css .todo-list { background-color: var(--background-secondary); } ``` ## For themes and snippets By overriding the default values for the Obsidian CSS variables, you can create beautiful themes without the need for complex CSS selectors. **theme.css**: ```css .theme-dark { --background-primary: #18004F; --background-secondary: #220070; } .theme-light { --background-primary: #ECE4FF; --background-secondary: #D9C9FF; } ``` To learn more about how to build a theme using CSS variables, refer to [[Build a theme]].