This page lists CSS variables for code. ## CSS variables | Variable | Description | | -------------------- | --------------------- | | `--code-background` | Code background color | | `--code-white-space` | Code `white-space` | | `--code-size` | Code font size | ### Syntax highlighting > [!note] > Since Obsidian uses two different libraries for syntax highlighting—one for Editing view and another for Reading view—styling may not match perfectly between the two. | Variable | Description | | -------------------- | ------------------------ | | `--code-normal` | Non-highlighted syntax | | `--code-comment` | Comments | | `--code-function` | Functions | | `--code-important` | Important, regex | | `--code-keyword` | Keywords | | `--code-operator` | Operators | | `--code-property` | Properties | | `--code-punctuation` | Punctuation | | `--code-string` | Strings | | `--code-tag` | Tags, symbols, constants | | `--code-value` | Values |