<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. --> [`AbstractInputSuggest`](AbstractInputSuggest) ## AbstractInputSuggest class Attach to an `<input>` element or a `<div contentEditable>` to add type-ahead support. **Signature:** ```typescript export abstract class AbstractInputSuggest<T> extends PopoverSuggest<T> ``` **Extends:** [`PopoverSuggest`](PopoverSuggest)`<T>` ## Constructors | Constructor | Modifiers | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | [`(constructor)(app, textInputEl)`](AbstractInputSuggest/(constructor).md) | | Accepts an <code>&lt;input&gt;</code> text box or a contenteditable div. | ## Properties | Property | Modifiers | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | [`app`](PopoverSuggest/app) | | [`App`](App) | <p>(Inherited from [PopoverSuggest](PopoverSuggest)<!-- -->)</p> | | [`limit`](AbstractInputSuggest/limit) | | <code>number</code> | Limit to the number of elements rendered at once. Set to 0 to disable. Defaults to 100. | | [`scope`](PopoverSuggest/scope) | | [`Scope`](Scope) | <p>(Inherited from [PopoverSuggest](PopoverSuggest)<!-- -->)</p> | ## Methods | Method | Modifiers | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | [`close()`](PopoverSuggest/close) | | <p>(Inherited from [PopoverSuggest](PopoverSuggest)<!-- -->)</p> | | [`getSuggestions(query)`](AbstractInputSuggest/getSuggestions) | <p><code>protected</code></p><p><code>abstract</code></p> | | | [`getValue()`](AbstractInputSuggest/getValue) | | Gets the value from the input element. | | [`onSelect(callback)`](AbstractInputSuggest/onSelect) | | Registers a callback to handle when a suggestion is selected by the user. | | [`open()`](PopoverSuggest/open) | | <p>(Inherited from [PopoverSuggest](PopoverSuggest)<!-- -->)</p> | | [`renderSuggestion(value, el)`](PopoverSuggest/renderSuggestion) | <code>abstract</code> | <p>(Inherited from [PopoverSuggest](PopoverSuggest)<!-- -->)</p> | | [`selectSuggestion(value, evt)`](PopoverSuggest/selectSuggestion) | <code>abstract</code> | <p>(Inherited from [PopoverSuggest](PopoverSuggest)<!-- -->)</p> | | [`setValue(value)`](AbstractInputSuggest/setValue) | | Sets the value into the input element. |