<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. --> [`Plugin`](Plugin) › [`registerMarkdownCodeBlockProcessor`](Plugin/registerMarkdownCodeBlockProcessor) ## Plugin.registerMarkdownCodeBlockProcessor() method Register a special post processor that handles fenced code given a language and a handler. This special post processor takes care of removing the `<pre><code>` and create a `<div>` that will be passed to the handler, and is expected to be filled with custom elements. **Signature:** ```typescript registerMarkdownCodeBlockProcessor(language: string, handler: (source: string, el: HTMLElement, ctx: MarkdownPostProcessorContext) => Promise<any> | void, sortOrder?: number): MarkdownPostProcessor; ``` ## Parameters | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | <code>language</code> | <code>string</code> | | | <code>handler</code> | <code>(source: string, el: </code><code>HTMLElement</code><code>, ctx: </code>[`MarkdownPostProcessorContext`](MarkdownPostProcessorContext)<code>) =&gt; </code><code>Promise</code><code>&lt;any&gt; &#124; void</code> | | | <code>sortOrder</code> | <code>number</code> | _(Optional)_ | **Returns:** [`MarkdownPostProcessor`](MarkdownPostProcessor)