<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. --> [`debounce`](debounce) ## debounce() function A standard debounce function. Use this to have a time-delayed function only be called once in a given timeframe. **Signature:** ```typescript export function debounce<T extends unknown[], V>(cb: (...args: [...T]) => V, timeout?: number, resetTimer?: boolean): Debouncer<T, V>; ``` ## Parameters | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | <code>cb</code> | <code>(...args: [...T]) =&gt; V</code> | The function to call. | | <code>timeout</code> | <code>number</code> | _(Optional)_ The timeout to wait, in milliseconds | | <code>resetTimer</code> | <code>boolean</code> | _(Optional)_ Whether to reset the timeout when the debouncer is called again. | **Returns:** [`Debouncer`](Debouncer)`<T, V>` a debounced function that takes the same parameter as the original function. ## Example ```ts const debounced = debounce((text: string) => { console.log(text); }, 1000, true); debounced("Hello world"); // this will not be printed await sleep(500); debounced("World, hello"); // this will be printed to the console. ```