Obsidian Publish gives you several options for customizing how your Publish site looks.

Obsidian Publish allows you to customize the look of your site using CSS.

The following elements can be turned on or off in the Publish site settings and influence the layout of the site.

Reading experience

  • Readable line length sets a maximum width for notes and centers the content on wide screens.
  • Theme toggle displays a switch for light and dark mode.
  • Stacked notes enables notes to stack and scroll horizontally when links are clicked, similar to Tab stacks in the Obsidian app.


  • Navigation adds a left sidebar similar with a list of folders and files.
  • Search displays a search input field, it may be positioned in the left sidebar, right sidebar or top navigation depending on which UI elements are active.
  • Backlinks displays a list of backlinks at the bottom of the page.
  • Graph displays the local graph in the right sidebar.
  • Table of contents displays an outline of headings in the current page in the right sidebar.

CSS variables

Theming for Obsidian Publish is made simple with CSS variables. Learn more about CSS variables and how to use them.

The list of CSS variables available for customization fall into two groups:

  • App variables are inherited from the Obsidian app theme. These primarily control the colors and styling of the content.
  • Publish-specific variables control the elements specific to Obsidian Publish.
About Obsidian Publish themes
Interactive graph