Editor class

A common interface that bridges the gap between CodeMirror 5 and CodeMirror 6.


export abstract class Editor 


Method Modifiers Description
blur() abstract
exec(command) abstract
focus() abstract
getCursor(string) abstract
getLine(line) abstract Get the text at line (0-indexed)
getRange(from, to) abstract
getScrollInfo() abstract
getSelection() abstract
getValue() abstract
hasFocus() abstract
lastLine() abstract
lineCount() abstract Gets the number of lines in the document
listSelections() abstract
offsetToPos(offset) abstract
posToOffset(pos) abstract
processLines(read, write, ignoreEmpty)
redo() abstract
refresh() abstract
replaceRange(replacement, from, to, origin) abstract
replaceSelection(replacement, origin) abstract
scrollIntoView(range, center) abstract
scrollTo(x, y) abstract
setCursor(pos, ch)
setLine(n, text)
setSelection(anchor, head) abstract
setSelections(ranges, main) abstract
setValue(content) abstract
transaction(tx, origin) abstract
undo() abstract
wordAt(pos) abstract
Interactive graph